Monday, January 25, 2010

Caidys Lip and Nose Revision Surgery

It has been a very long time since this blog was updated, but we thought since we began it as a way for Caidy to look back and see all she has been through we would continue it. She went in for surgery on January 18th to have her lip and nose re-done, known as a revision.

She was an amazing little girl through the entire ordeal. The day of she wasn't allowed to eat or drink for 8 hrs prior to her surgery and since that was at 1pm she wasn't able to eat breakfast or lunch. By the time we arrived at the hosital James and I were starving, Caidy on the other hand was happy! She allowed the nurses to take her vitals; blood pressure, temperature, weight, and heart beat, with no fussing at all.


She sat in the waiting room and played, sharing her toys, waiting patiently for the surgery to start, which ended up not staring until 2 in the afternoon. When it was time for her to finally go into surgery, she laughed at me in my scrubs! You would have never known she hadn't eaten all day or was just about to undergo surgery!

Jan 18th Caidys lip revision

When we arrived in the operating room, she was a total champ! Talking to all the drs and nurses, telling them how her mom was going to have "5 KIDS!!" She had them all laughing and while she was blowing bubbles they were able to do her IV without her even flintching. I left the room proud of my baby girl, in no way worried that she wouldn't come out perfectly fine with her winning additude!

After the surgery, which lasted about 2 hrs, the Plastic Surgeon came out telling us she did great. He was able to take quite a bit of scar tissue from her lip and cartalige out of her nose. He was very impressed with the results and we were anxious to see her!


Once Caidy started to wake up we had to stay in the recovery room longer than expected. Her poor tummy was quite upset from the anasthetic, causing her to get sick. I had no way to get ahold of James when I was in the recovery room as he had been emailing everyone to tell them Caidy was out of surgery when the nurse came to get me. The poor guy had to sit in the waiting room with a dead cell phone until one of the nurses finally asked him what he was still doing there!! By this time we were already up in our room wondering where in the world James was! He finally made it and we were able to be with Caidy as she woke up, she was given gravol via her IV which totally knocked her out.

Our stay in the hospital was great. Caidy was constantly making me proud, she is such an amazingly compassionate 3 year old! The next day the nurses were just as impressed with her recovery and we were able to go home that morning. As soon as she had her IV taken out we went for a walk and were able to play in the toy room until Uncle Jason, Auntie Cheryl and Alexander were able to take us back to Grandma and Grandpa Wilsons house.

Since we have been home she has been healing well and having a great aditude. The only problem has been, of course, an accidental kick to the nose!!! How in the world she was able to get kicked in the face after reconstructive surgery is beyond us!! I am hopeful there will be no damage to the work the plastic surgeon did, praying once the swelling goes down she will be fine!!


That is her today, smiling away with her slightly swollen nose!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Years! Here is a picture of the kids at Christmas! We had a great holiday!
An update about Caidy. She will be having her Nose and Lip repaired this coming Jan 18th at Children's Hospital. Please be praying for her.

The Twins are doing great and growing!
Thanks for your prayers