Friday, October 20, 2006

French Braids

If you know me, you know I have been waiting a very long time to put French Braids in my daughters hair. Well. . . it is finally long enough and Leah agreed to let me (with a little negotiation involving daddy and a shopping trip!!) I know there are going to be a lot of fights to follow, lots of tears, lots of slanted eyes (remember Megan) but at least I will have my little girl with braids!! Ha ha ha Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

" You look adorable, we can see your beautiful blue eyes now, Leah!" My mom used to braid my hair like this too, when I was little.

Adrienne Dawn said...

Awww...I want a little girl so I can french braid her hair! I've been thinking about you guys! I hope and pray everything is going well for you as you prepare to move!