Friday, June 30, 2006

Quick Update

Last night was a long one!! I have a couple minutes free because the nurse is watching Caidy so I can grab some breakfast. She only slept about 3 hrs on her own and the rest of time was wanting to be held, so I am tired! Also if you could pray for her, she hasn't eaten anything since her almost 2 oz yesterday around 3. The Dr. Came by this morning and said that until she starts eating they are going to keep us around, so I would LOVE to be able to go home today or tomorrow. James is actually coming by this afternoon to stay with Caidy so I can either sleep, or go for a walk, more than likely sleep!
Thank you again for all your prayers

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Just wanted to let everyone know Caidy is doing great, she looks FABULOUS! Unfortunately I can't post pictures from here in the hospital, but as soon as we are home you know there will be a ton!
Her surgery actually was closer to 3.5 hrs long, roughly 1.5hrs longer than expected, but they told us she did great and she is now sleeping from all the excitement! She ate only 2 oz once she woke, but I know that is will increase once she starts feeling better! Thank you all for continuing to pray for us and we can't wait to show off how beautiful she looks and how much she really looks like Elijah!! There is one picture where it is uncanny!
Now that I am just babbling I need to go back and check on her (there are computers in the hospital to use) Thank you again!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Surgery Tomorrow

As you all know Caidy's surgery is tomorrow. We had our pre-op appt. at the hospital today and the the surgery will be at 9:25 am. It will be approx 1.5-2 hrs long and Caidy will need to stay in the hospital for at least 1 night, maybe 2. Please be praying for our little girl, that she will do great while in the operating room and also that the healing process will go smooth and quick!

Thank you again for keeping us in your prayers. . . :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wee Piggies and Paws

I won a gift certificate from Wee Piggies and Paws and was excited today when we got the phone call that it was finished. They put Leah, Elijahs and Caidy's feet into clay and then here is the finished product. I think it turned out great! There are quite a few other picture frames that I would love to get as well, but I really love the one we had done! On the frame it has the kids ages engraved and the date on the bottom. I would highly recommend doing this so anyone who loves beautiful little baby feet!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Donating over 500 oz of Breast Milk!!

As you all know I have been pumping for Caidy. Since I am making a whack load of milk I contacted Children's Hospital Milk bank to see about donating it. I phoned them a month ago and since our freezer has been full I have been throwing out all that Caidy doesn't need. Well today I got a call that they will accept my milk, I just needed to answer some questions and I will need to so some blood work, but everything should check out fine and some babies who need it will be getting some amazing mommy milk! This makes me feel so great! I know Caidy needs my milk and I am doing this hard work for a reason, but what a great motivator to know that other babies who are premature or whose mothers aren't as fortunate to have a great supply will get to benefit as well! YAY this made my day!!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

We have a DATE!

Yesterday our Plastic Surgeons office called and Caidy has a date for her lip, nose and gumline repair!! June 29th is the day. That is only 3 weeks away and we are extatic!! It is so hard to believe that this time has past so quickly, that I have pumped the entire time, and that soon our little girl will look totally different. WooHoo we are getting closer!!

Milo and Otis

Our family had an addition of two new members for a night! As you can see Leah and Elijah were in love with their new cats.

Yesterday afternoon we headed out to Megan and Nicks farm to look at the new kittens and because James has always wanted a cat, we ended up coming home with 2:). I said that the only way I would agree to this is if we gave them a 1 week trial. Well our trial only lasted 1 night and today I brought them back to the farm!! :) If you know me, you know I am not an animal person at all! I actually can't believe I agreed to this in the first place, but seriously didn't really mind having them around!! I was the one to bring them back to the farm and contemplated a couple times turning around and bringing them back home! Maybe our kids are too young right now to have an animal, but next time I don't think James and the kids are going to have to work quite so hard to persuade me!!