I'm sure you have all enjoyed the new pictures of Elijah, but there has been quite a bit going on in our lives that we are excited to tell about! ( Dad and Em I have been trying to call!!)
As many of you know we have accepted the youth Pastor position in Grand Forks. Our plan has been to move in January after Caidys palate surgery, and the church has been more than happy to agree to this allowing everything to get in motion.
After thinking we had everything figured out, God decided to turn us for a loop! James had a meeting with EI and they didn't agree with 'our' plan and said that they were discontinuing our insurance and James had to get a job! Huhhhh. . . Well since James did technically have one, we figured this was Gods way of kicking us in the butt and finally moving us out to Grand Forks!
We are very excited about the move, and are tentatively planning on being in Grand Forks for the beginning of November, but there are so many areas that we need your prayer:
~ Caidys' appts and surgery coming up in the beginning of Dec. We are not sure of the dates, but know that things will be a little busy with a move and then having to come back to the Lower Main Land often.
~ Housing. There are very little rentals available in Grand Forks so James and I have begun the process of buying!! We are very excited about this and trust that God would not be sending us out there without a place to live. Please pray with us about not only a house, but a down payment as well! ;)
~ Family. Although James and I have been very fortunate to always be near family this will be a big change where the closest family will be 5 hrs away.
~ Faith and Trust. As a family we have been through more in the last couple months than we would have preferred, but we have always realized there is a reason God has taken us on this journey and if the purpose of it all was to increase our faith I pray we have learnt that. Continue to pray with us for understanding and wisdom.
Thank you again for all your support and for continuing to pray!