Monday, October 30, 2006

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch

On Saturday we went to the Laity Pumpkin Patch and the kids had a blast! Elijah loved the pumpkins and Leah was interested in everything wanting to run all over the place! Caidy wasn't too interested in anything, but we did have quite the scare with her. As you all know she has to wear her 'plate' in her mouth at all times and she has been quite the little stinker with spitting it out. At one point both James and I looked at her and knew instantly it wasn't in. I started pannicking, it is over $300 to replace, not covered by insurance, plus she can't eat or sleep without it in. Needless to say I instantly started retracing our steps, while James calmly looked around where she was and knew pannicking wasn't going to help any!! After looking for a couple minutes a couple nearby asked if we were looking for a pair of batteries on the ground, after I tried to explain we were looking for my daughters retainer, getting confused looks, one of the ladies looked down, pointed and asked if that was it! IT WAS and I let out a sigh of relief and was finally able to settle down, knowing now we wouldn't have to search the entire pumpkin patch and corn maze! James and I have had Caidy spit out her plate in public before but we had always either heard or saw it drop, so having absolutely no idea where it was had me freaking out!!

All in all it was a great day and here are a couple pictures to share our adventure!! Posted by Picasa


The Captain said...

looks like you guys had fun! and well some scary times as well good thing you found it cant wait to see you guys! o did the great pumpkin show?

The Captain said...

looks like some good times! and some scary ones! cant wait to see you guys! o did the great pumpkin show?


The Captain said...

looks like some good times! and some scary ones! cant wait to see you guys! o did the great pumpkin show?