We had to make a special trip to the coast once again this week so Caidy could have the tubes in her ears checked. The ENT said everything was looking great and he would like the tubes to stay in for at least another 6 months to 1 year. I was a little upset when I told him about the ear infection Caidy had a week after the surgery and he told us that it most likely wasn't an infection but the tubes working and draining all the fluid out of her ear!!! I couldn't believe that both James and I missed him telling us this would happen, that the dr we took her to at the ER didn't know this, and that she was on a super strong medication that made her very ill for weeks after. I am glad now that we know this and have a prescription for ear drops if it happens again, oral antibiotics are not as effective as ear drops for fighting the bacteria.
Caidy was also able to get another hearing test preformed. It is a small room where she sits on my knee, having differnt sounds played and if she looks in the direction the sound came from a drum playing monkey will light up as a reward. Caidy did very well this time compared to the hearing test she had before the tubes were put in. The last hearing test the lowest she could hear was 40 decibels, and this time it was as low as 20! Both drs were really impressed with her improvement and because of this she should be making more and more sounds because of all she is now able to hear.
All in all the trip to Childrens Hospital was great and very encouraging!
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