Sunday, November 25, 2007

Not too much to say

I really wish I had something to update on, but there is really nothing going on. Life in the motel is getting really old and I think every single person I talked to at Church today asked when our house would be finished! Neither James or I have the personality to hound the contractor and demand that work get finished, and seriously I am not sure if it would even help! I think on any given day there may be only one guy working on the house, and for that reason alone I can't expect it to be finished any quicker. I may have to go and take some pictures this week so I can see the progress and get some encouragement!

In other news I have some great ideas for Christmas pictures this year, so hopefully the snow will come!

The kids are all doing well.

~Leah has started her home reading and is really enjoying her version of reading the books! A combination of memorizing words and looking at pictures! Its a start and it is really exciting to actually hear her sound out a word!!

~Elijah is totally obsessed with the Cars movie. Since the Motel room is so small, he unfortunately has gotten pretty spoiled with being able to watch an abnormal amount of TV and Cars is the movie of choice 9 times out of 10! James, being a slightly passionate guy (insert sarcasm here!) has started buying him the hot wheels characters from the movie and I hate to admit he almost has them all. The rest will be arriving in the mail this week, via e-bay. (James was able to get a box of 20 characters for a pretty good price!) So Dad if we have any duplicates, you will be getting the extras!!

~ Caidy is doing well. Her personality has really come out and she is a blast! She always has us laughing and wants to be the center of attention, be it positive or negative! In the nursery at Church she is already getting pretty aggressive, trying to steal every ones snacks taking all the toys for her own! Although she is quite tough, she can hold her own and is super sweet and gently at the same time! She has been napping in a bed and will be moving into her big girl bed once we get into the house! She does so well and lays right down, says nigh nigh and closes her eyes before I leave the room!! I thank God daily for such amazing sleepers. To think we have all 3 kids in the same room, Leah and Elijah in the same bed, Caidy less that 1 foot away in the play pen, with all of them having the same bed time and they sleep great! Thank you Jesus!!!


The Captain said...

hey James i really like the cars movie too! hee hee ;) good to hear things are going well out there! cant wait to see you guys again! i hear that it started snowing there now so hopefully i can see some sweet pics! theres way too much snow here and wind of -30 is horrible! so im staying bed ha ha! have a great week!


Unknown said...

I'll pray that you get back into your house for Christmas. Loved hearing about the kids. You had plenty to say... you're just not wordy!!