Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Great Tuesday Trip into Vancouver

Today was such a gift from God! James and I have been both a little anxious about what is next, trying to rely on God that He has us here for a reason while having the patience to see what that reason is! It was maybe a little glimpse today when we were able to enjoy the beautiful area we live in with an afternoon at the ocean. We are in the lower main land so why not make the most of it, especially when we are having to go into Vancouver every week, we thought we would do a little sight seeing.
Leah was so excited about the beach that she had her shoes off within minutes and was wanting to make sand castles and swim! If the weather would have been warmer we would have let her, but it was super windy and quite cold, so we held her back! :) Elijah on the other hand has never expereinced Saskatchewan winters so isn't used to the cold and didn't really want to do much of anything but shiver! Poor Caidy didn't have a choice but to stay bundled up out of the wind, there was no way I was going to expose her to the cold ocean air.
It was a great trip in today with Caidys appt going well, all the orthadontist had to do was move the stint a little and we were on our way. Tomorrow may not go quite as smooth as she is getting her 2 month shots, so we may have a grumpy little girl on our hands!


Krista said...

Hey Jaimie! Maria sent me the link to your blog... hope thats ok! Your little ones are SOOOO cute! I don't think I have ever met Caidy yet, but I remember seeing your other two children at church before! Too adorable!

Krista Hibberd

Wilson's said...

Krista, glad you found us! I must confess I have read yours from Bonnies blog! We are all virtually connected! :)