Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Milo and Otis

Our family had an addition of two new members for a night! As you can see Leah and Elijah were in love with their new cats.

Yesterday afternoon we headed out to Megan and Nicks farm to look at the new kittens and because James has always wanted a cat, we ended up coming home with 2:). I said that the only way I would agree to this is if we gave them a 1 week trial. Well our trial only lasted 1 night and today I brought them back to the farm!! :) If you know me, you know I am not an animal person at all! I actually can't believe I agreed to this in the first place, but seriously didn't really mind having them around!! I was the one to bring them back to the farm and contemplated a couple times turning around and bringing them back home! Maybe our kids are too young right now to have an animal, but next time I don't think James and the kids are going to have to work quite so hard to persuade me!!


Unknown said...

I get you on the animal thing! They are great when they belong to someone else! He he...

Anonymous said...

Gramma Johnson says: the kittens are almost as cute as the kids. You must be getting strict in your old age.

Anonymous said...

Caidy looks so much like Elijah! Your children are adorable! I love them so much. Your family is doing so well!