A couple days ago I made mention of a job prospect for James.
I am now pleased to announce that we have been invited to candidate at The Gospel Chapel in Grand Forks BC. We are a little uncertain as to when we will be going, there are 2 possible weekends that may work, but we are both very excited for James to potentially be getting a job and going back to the ministry and for myself to go back to being a stay at home mom.
Grand Forks is located along the Crows Nest Pass, Highway #3, which runs parallel to the US BC boarders. The town is approx 5000 people, so just what James and I are looking for, the chance to get back to a smaller community.
We are excited for this change and the fact that we are starting to see Gods hand in how things have been working the past couple months. My job has been a big blessing, and James has done an amazing job being a stay at home dad, but we are sooooo ready to have a normal schedule back.
Please be praying with us that Gods plan will continue to unravel and we will soon be past this time of growth ;)