Sunday, April 29, 2007
Update on Caidy
On Friday night both Elijah and Caidy were up all night sick, neither of them could keep anything down till Sunday afternoon. Elijah was feeling a little better in the afternoon so James took him and Leah out to a BBQ. You could tell that this was taking more of a tole on Caidy since her eyes were all pussy and she had a terrible fever. I really wanted to go out as well, so we both thought that the outing would be good for her. As soon as I woke her up she vomited all over and I knew that I just needed to put her back to bed. She hadn't been able to keep any food or liquid down since Friday so I took her to the ER tonight (Sunday) and the dr was concerned as well. He ordered a blood test, because of the fever and puss, but the results proved to be normal for how she was feeling. He was reluctant to put her on antibiotics because he seemed to think this was a viral infection, I questioned him because both Leah and Elijahs' eyes were starting to look a little gooey and puffy tonight. He asked me to bring Caidy back tomorrow morning and he will see how her night went, if she was able to keep down the Pedialite, or plus how her eyes are looking. I am thinking I may just bring Leah and Elijah with me as well so he can look at them at the same time. Please be praying for the kids and us, this is a little frustrating because it feels like everyone was just sick.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Great day of Pictures and Singing!
Caidy was in a perfect mood after her nap, so I took advantage and grabbed the camera.
I have been trying for weeks to get this gorgeous smile in a picture! Finally!

Leah wanted me to take her picture because all the attention Caidy was getting and wanted all of them to be silly!!
Elijah didn't want to take a picture, but rather wanted to make his singing debut!! Definitely a Johnny Cash impersonator!

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Road Trip Memories
Today we had an ENT (ear nose and throat dr.) appt for Caidy. She lost one of the tubes in March. It went well, the ear that the tube fell out of now has a hole where the tube was, which is good because it is doing what the purpose of the tube is, draining fluid. Although her right ear, which still has the tube, is clogged. So the ear I thought was fine is now the one giving us trouble! We have to use new drops for a week and have a follow up appt in May which will determine if they need to surgically replace the tube. WOW that was a lot of ear talk!!
Other than Caidys appt James and I were really looking forward to a day of shopping in Kelowna, it feels like I never get to shop anymore. And then our day started...
First off Leah has decided that she doesn't like car rides and didn't understand why we couldn't just be there. After only 20 mins of driving we had to stop for a potty break. Ok most likely my fault and I should have pushed her to go a little harder before we left. So I thought being such a great mom I would offer her a drink at the convenience store, she didn't want anything. Which was really weird, usually this would perk her right up, but she was so worked up that nothing was going to make her feel better.
So off we went on our 2 and a bit drive to Kelowna when maybe 15 mins down the road Leah starts crying and getting really worked up and saying her neck is sore. I know from past experience that as soon as she says her neck hurts she is about to be sick. So I ask her if she is going to puke and hand her an empty container, all the while James is yelling that now I have put into her head that she is sick, me being the only reason she would be.... Well 2 seconds later she is puking her guts out and crying and I am yelling at James to pull over, but he is caught up on the "if I wouldn't have said anything she wouldn't be sick" idea and is taking his time.
Oh the joys of kids...
So after the apologies and all the tears are wiped away, and James realizing she would have been sick anyway we are off again. Everyone is happy and we are all singing away to 'High School Musical' when I hear another gag. I then start yelling again for James to pull over, but before he can Caidy has puked all over herself and her car seat. (I left the container on the side of the road for obvious reasons) I have no other clothes for her and no other jacket, I did not come prepared because I had no idea today was going to be puke fest in the van!!! Then because of this we are running late and we have to go to her appt being the way we are, mad tired and smelling of vomit. blah!!!
I think my girls are a little too much like me when it comes to motion sickness. I remember getting sick all over the kitchen floor before a trip even started, thanks to being told to chew gravol!!!
And Leah is a little too much like daddy, making everyone else unhappy because she is! :)
But that is why we love them!! We ended up having a great day and even spoiling ourselves with some new spring clothes.
On another note, James is off to Trail tomorrow to sign the mortgage papers and wanted all of us to go along as well, needless to say I have opted to stay home with the kids to avoid another day like today. We are really excited, though, that moving day is getting closer and we are only a couple steps away from owning our first home!!!
Other than Caidys appt James and I were really looking forward to a day of shopping in Kelowna, it feels like I never get to shop anymore. And then our day started...
First off Leah has decided that she doesn't like car rides and didn't understand why we couldn't just be there. After only 20 mins of driving we had to stop for a potty break. Ok most likely my fault and I should have pushed her to go a little harder before we left. So I thought being such a great mom I would offer her a drink at the convenience store, she didn't want anything. Which was really weird, usually this would perk her right up, but she was so worked up that nothing was going to make her feel better.
So off we went on our 2 and a bit drive to Kelowna when maybe 15 mins down the road Leah starts crying and getting really worked up and saying her neck is sore. I know from past experience that as soon as she says her neck hurts she is about to be sick. So I ask her if she is going to puke and hand her an empty container, all the while James is yelling that now I have put into her head that she is sick, me being the only reason she would be.... Well 2 seconds later she is puking her guts out and crying and I am yelling at James to pull over, but he is caught up on the "if I wouldn't have said anything she wouldn't be sick" idea and is taking his time.
Oh the joys of kids...
So after the apologies and all the tears are wiped away, and James realizing she would have been sick anyway we are off again. Everyone is happy and we are all singing away to 'High School Musical' when I hear another gag. I then start yelling again for James to pull over, but before he can Caidy has puked all over herself and her car seat. (I left the container on the side of the road for obvious reasons) I have no other clothes for her and no other jacket, I did not come prepared because I had no idea today was going to be puke fest in the van!!! Then because of this we are running late and we have to go to her appt being the way we are, mad tired and smelling of vomit. blah!!!
I think my girls are a little too much like me when it comes to motion sickness. I remember getting sick all over the kitchen floor before a trip even started, thanks to being told to chew gravol!!!
And Leah is a little too much like daddy, making everyone else unhappy because she is! :)
But that is why we love them!! We ended up having a great day and even spoiling ourselves with some new spring clothes.
On another note, James is off to Trail tomorrow to sign the mortgage papers and wanted all of us to go along as well, needless to say I have opted to stay home with the kids to avoid another day like today. We are really excited, though, that moving day is getting closer and we are only a couple steps away from owning our first home!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Easter Egg Hunt
We had a great time hunting Easter Eggs today. They had the areas roped off for each age group and no parents were allowed to go in and help.
Leah got right into it and was off running and trying to get the most candy.
Elijah needed a little more encouragement and a little push!
Elijah got the hang of things once they started working together!

They were so proud of all their treasures and were eager to show them off.

They were so proud of all their treasures and were eager to show them off.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Caidys' Appointments and Change
A while ago I told about Caidy's ears and how they have been draining, I initially phoned the ENT and was told by the receptionist that drainage is normal and made an appt at Children's' Hospital for April 20th. I didn't feel right about this, her ears were absolutely disgusting and constantly full of gunk. I phoned back and talked, this time, to the Nurse Practitioner and, of course, drainage like this is NOT normal and I need to get her some ear drops. We have been using the drops for a couple days now and there has been a huge improvement on her ears. Although we have had and used the drops before, they seem to be working better now and actually clearing up the infection.
Now that we are living so much farther from Children's' Hospital, I have been trying to get all Caidys' ENT appts rescheduled for Kelowna so we don't have to make a 1 hr appt into a couple days endeavor. I was so excited today to hear that we have an appt for the 19th in Kelowna. It is amazing how this has taken so much stress away and even in teh everyday things God cares and answers prayer.
April has been such a busy month, not only for the appts, but because James and I have bought our first house!!! We are so excited to get possession April 30th, which of course means more packing, moving and change. Really though, WHO CARES, we are going to finally own our OWN home!!! WHOOOO HOOOOOO Plus we are really excited to be able to put some of our time well spent watching HG TV into practice by remodelling the kitchen and taking down a wall! I can't wait to get my hands dirty and finally, after 6 years, be able to pick out paint colors and decorate my OWN HOME!!!!
Now that we are living so much farther from Children's' Hospital, I have been trying to get all Caidys' ENT appts rescheduled for Kelowna so we don't have to make a 1 hr appt into a couple days endeavor. I was so excited today to hear that we have an appt for the 19th in Kelowna. It is amazing how this has taken so much stress away and even in teh everyday things God cares and answers prayer.
April has been such a busy month, not only for the appts, but because James and I have bought our first house!!! We are so excited to get possession April 30th, which of course means more packing, moving and change. Really though, WHO CARES, we are going to finally own our OWN home!!! WHOOOO HOOOOOO Plus we are really excited to be able to put some of our time well spent watching HG TV into practice by remodelling the kitchen and taking down a wall! I can't wait to get my hands dirty and finally, after 6 years, be able to pick out paint colors and decorate my OWN HOME!!!!
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