"God would not give you a child without giving you the means to provide for that child."
loosely taken from Dr. SearsI was reminded of this phrase today, as it seems people keep telling me that God will not give you more than you can handle. I guess it is a little more reassuring for me to know that God is going to provide for us and by this we are going to be able to handle more. I want to know that the way God is helping us handle all that we have is by constantly blessing us and bringing people into our lives that are such an encouragement there is no doubt in our minds they are from God.
I also wanted to share some of the ways God has blessed us since we have had Caidy, and even before that when we found out we were having a baby with a birth defect.
~ Giving us amazing doctors who really care about our little girl. My midwives who gave excellent care although they missed Caidy's delivery! And Cheryl who was always with James and I at our appts helping to put things into laymans terms so that we could understand what we were being told!
~ Our parents who are constantly giving, above and beyond. From groceries, diapers, clothes for the kids and support for James and I, hopefully we will one day be able to repay them for all they have done for us.
~ My great friend Flora who organized meals for us after Caidy was born. We were so blessed by her and Maple Ridge Alliance Church that we didn't have to cook for ourselves for over a week!
~ James' boss who has been great with days off for drs. appts. Through this God has shown us the reason why he is working construction for right now.
~ The gov't who gave our our income tax return exactly when we needed it the most! Ok this may be a little far fetched, but it did come at a perfect time!!
~ Leah and Elijah who have learned how to sleep in so mommy can get some extra rest!! Elijah will sleep in till 10 am after going to bed at 7:30, he is a perfect child! ;) I think I may eat those words in a couple years!
~ Caidy who has been sleeping 6 hrs in a row the past 2 nights! I really hope this continues!
I think it was more encouraging for me to think of all the things God has been doing for us than all the blessings we have received! WOW we serve a good God!
There are also some things we would like prayer for, as there always is!
~ Caidy's continued healing, her cleft has already shrunk by 3 mm in a week! We go back tomorrow for another appt where a stint will be put in to stretch her nostril.
~ A new job for James. Although God has really shown us why he is here at this time, we are praying this time will end soon! :)
~ Patience and time for me to learn how to be a parent to 3 children! AHHHHH ok I feel better!
~ For Elijah who goes in for surgery on April 4th. He was born with Hypospadia, his foreskin on his penis wasn't fully developed and the hole of his penis if too low, they will move it to the tip where the foreskin that is left will cover the hole that is currently there. (as you can tell the reason we need Cheryl at our appts is because I have no medical terminology knowledge whatsoever!! )
~ For provision of our finances. Being a one income family is hard enough without all the traveling and days off James is taking we need prayer that God will continue to provide for all our needs.
~ For our friends and family. That Caidy's surgery will be early so we will be able to attend Kim's wedding in July! YAY Kim and Matt! :)
Thank you again so much for all your support and prayers!