Thursday, August 23, 2007

Caidy Girl

Caidy has been such a little monkey lately! She is at the best age and I feel like I could just play with her all day! I trimmed her bangs today, they were getting so long and always in her eyes (they look crooked because I only cut a very small amount and the longer pieces have fallen forward!).
Here she is in her favorite spot, right at the bottom of the stair sitting beside her favorite baby doll. We have a gate, but it is used more as a car door (Leah and Elijah's favorite place to play as well!). She had to have this doll in particular during one of our many trips to Wal-mart, as soon as she saw it she held on tight and would not put it down. Actually screamed when we had to pay for it!
And her infamous glare! I am not sure where she learnt this look from, but she is always doing it! She looks at you kind of inquisitively, like she is just trying to figure it all out!!

I am really loving this age, I feel like I can't even remember Leah and Elijah being 17 months... most likely because Leah was only 18 months old when Elijah was born, and I was already 5 months pregnant with Caidy when Elijah was 17 months old!!! HOLA did we ever have them close!!! But serioulsy I would never change a thing and would do it all again in a heart beat!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Caidy is so cute, love the stare!!! We're looking forward to seeing you this weekend with Grandma Julie too. See you, Mom